Sunday, February 22, 2009


Here I sit, making typo after typo. We had a good day. I went for a run after Amy stretched my spine and popped that one little tiny bugger that had caused the crick these two days. Man, I am tired of being sick or injured. After a year of plantar fasciaitis, it is good to have only minor hurts, but still. I want to be in shape. I was almost there before February stated, then came a back injury, and a cold, then the crick.
I went for a run today. I felt good cardio-wise, but my legs have lost their snap. And I applied for the track job…again. I am not sure that I want it, but then it would be nice to have the money, and I like to work with kids, especially with running. If I don’t get the job, then I will run out there sometimes, especially on Wednesdays, and then do some more horse shoeing (trimming mostly) with Monte.
I want to write down a few snatches of things that might be relevant: Lonely barns, that barn, tin buckets on fence posts, mourning doves in elm trees, rain on late winter weekends, bland sunsets in late February, the River, dang, always the River.
When my mom lived on Serpentine, sometimes I would look out at the river and see a cacophony of fishes. I assume that it was fish. I always wanted to rush down to the river to see what was happening out there to cause such thrashing and turbulence, but of course, as I knew then, I would not be able to get down there quickly enough, nor did I have a boat. I wonder at what they were doing.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dear diary (I hate spelling!)

Today, I went for a hike. It was very similar to taking an xc ski, up KAGO hill, but there was no getting tangled up in the brush. Two to four inches of snow lay on the ground, underneath a solid base of one to five inches. Snowshoe tracks paralleled my course, on the way down. I walked fine without them.

I went so that I could have a break from the girls, who have been...challenging this week. I frequent KAGO hill, on foot, running and hiking, on mtn. bike and on xc ski, when conditions allow (not so much this year, which has been a disappointment). Today, it was hiking. Also, surreptitiously, I looked for birds, as it is bird count weekend. Most notably, I saw a cassin's finch. That took the longest to identify, partially, or mostly, because, it is not so big. I had to walk most of the way around the bush that it sat upon before I could reasonably identify it. Also, Canada geese, house finches (30+) common ravens, golden-crowned sparrows, Oregon juncos, and possibly an immature bald eagle, though it was too far away for me to be sure.

I'm not sure what I want to write about. I suppose it is about my health as that has been on my mind for the last 10+ months. I stopped taking the statin that I was prescribed. I do not like how it made me feel, psychologically and physically. I am still taking niacin and O3 pills to try to control the darn cholesterol. BP is as BP does. I feel guilty for drinking too much especially since I saw my doctor at the pizza parlor tonight. I am working on it! At the same time, I am tired of feeling guilty for what I put into my mouth. I am trying to exercise and eat better, but man! I have been in this habit for a long time. Realistically, don't you think, it will take awhile to change.
